Thank you for using our website. By using our website, registering or purchasing on our website, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions. Please read them carefully.
Using Connected Equestrian Coaches
You must use lawfully. You must not use it in a way that infringes upon the rights of, or the use and enjoyment of this site by anyone else.
You must keep any passwords confidential and not do anything that would assist anyone to gain access to any area which is reserved for you or registered users.
Viruses and Hacking
You are responsible for maintaining your own hardware and software. This includes taking your own precautions against viruses. We cannot not guarantee that Connected Equestrian Coaches content will be free from viruses and we’re not responsible for any loss or damage that might happen when you use our website.
You must not attack or attempt to gain unauthorised access to Connected Equestrian Coaches or any technology connected to it. You must not introduce any viruses or any other material that is harmful to our website.
Linking to
You must gain our permission if you want to:
- Say or indicate that you, your organisation or website is associated with Connected Equestrian Coaches or our website.
- Charge people to click on a link to any page on
Connected Equestrian Coaches Content
Viewing and Using Our Content
You can view any content you have rightful access to on on-screen on your device, for your personal use only.
You must not:
- Copy or publish the content or parts of it.
- Use the Content for any commercial, business, re-sale, distribution or group purpose without our permission.
- Rent, lease, sub-licence, loan, translate, merge, adapt, vary or modify the content or, create any derivative works without our express permission.
We don’t make any guarantees that the advice in any of the content is right for you. You must make your own assessment as to whether to act on any guidance. We will not be liable for any loss caused because of you doing (or not doing) something as a result of viewing, reading or listening to our content.
We update our site regularly and change it at any time without notice.
All content, copyright, trademarks, design rights and other intellectual property rights on belongs to Connected Equestrian Coaches unless otherwise stated.
You must obtain our permission before publishing or reproducing our content (or parts of it) elsewhere.
When you contribute content, you give us a license to use, host, store, reproduce, adapt, create derivative works (such as those resulting from adaptations or other changes to make your content work better on our website), communicate, publish and distribute such content.
Requests to Remove Content
You can ask for content to be removed from We will remove it if for example, it breaches copyright law, our privacy promise or could be considered defamatory. If you come across anything on our site which you think is abusive or inappropriate, please report it to us so we can put it right.
Terms of Sale
You agree to these terms when you purchase a product or service on
Placing an Order
You may place an order for services on our website at any time.
We will send you an email to confirm the details of your order once your payment has been verified and your order has been processed.
Payment for the Services will be taken through our secure, third-party payment provider. We will make it clear to you who our payment provider is when you place your order. We will receive payment when our provider confirms that the transaction has been completed.
The price(s) of the services or products are displayed on our website at the time you place your order. All prices are subject to change without prior notice.
Your products are dispatched and delivered directly to your door as soon as possible.
All orders are usually delivered within 7 working days but can take up to 28 days in certain circumstances.
Changes to Services
We will contact you if we make a significant change to a product or service we are providing to you to let you know.
We reserve the right to edit or remove content, learning and offers available as part of subscription at any time.
Our Terms and Conditions are subject to change from time to time.
By using, you agree to be bound by whichever version of the Terms and Conditions is published at such time.
Should we choose to change our Terms and Conditions, we will post the changes on this page. Where the changes are significant, we may email registered users with new details.
Governing Law
The Terms and Conditions as well as all issues regarding this website are governed by the laws of England and Wales and all disputes shall be determined exclusively by the English Courts.
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