Compliance requirements to coach
Most member bodies within equestrian, also require coaches to be compliant in their competence and understanding of critical areas, such as; First aid, Safeguarding young people and vulnerable adults, equality and diversity. These areas of learning are about staying current and competent in these areas rather than on-going growing knowledge and experience. Hence coaches are required to take a course of learning every 2 to 3 years to refresh knowledge and skills rather than grow knowledge and skill. Different member bodies will have slightly different compliance requirements. Whilst compliance requirements are important training for coaches, they should be supplemented by topics from across the four knowledge areas.
For further details and information on training for each of the compliance areas please click on one of the links below:
- Why is coaching insurance important? Whilst we know horses can act unpredictably at times this doesn’t mean that it doesn’t take you and those you coach […]
- Equality and diversity training ensures everybody has equal opportunity and is not treated differently or discriminated against. The purpose also being to boost awareness about different […]
- It is proven that first aid saves lives! Many lives have been saved due to fast reaction CPR. First aid training gives you the confidence and ability […]
- Keeping young people and vulnerable adults safe is important and that they are protected during training and competition can ensure that they have fun in a […]